Richard Cypher Legend of the Seeker Vest
Richard Rahl, also known as Richard Cypher, is the main protagonist of the novel based adventure fantasy television series, Legend of the Seekers. Portrayed by the young heartthrob of his time, Craig Horner, an Australian actor and musician, the show made a big hit and inspired millions with its magical wardrobe. This Richard Cypher Legend of the Seeker Vest is an epitome of creativeness and a jaw dropping piece for an excellent cosplay!
The vintage details catch the eyes and tug at the heart of a classic lover as they offer perfect aesthetics and comfort. The Legend of the Seeker Craig Horner Vest is a dynamic and timeless piece ideal for the fans of comic cons and costume parties. Channel your inner crazy fan boy with this quality top layer!
Mathew Brake –
I loved the style and got the right size. Their size chart is very helpful. Will definitely shop for more.